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Chapel Green School

Ethos, Vision and Aims

School Ethos

Our ethos at Chapel Green is that all pupils and staff have the right to 'Challenge, Grow and Shine', both at school and out in the wider world. 

School Vision

At Chapel Green School we believe that learning is an adventure, one that is inspirational and creative.  We provide a variety of experiences to provide challenge to enable every individual to grow and become the best they can be as they shine in the light of their achievements. 

Learning opportunities are child-centred with an emphasis on life skills and preparation for adulthood.  We encourage independence and communication giving everyone the opportunity to achieve success.

 We foster relationships and work in collaboration to overcome barriers and create a respectful and inclusive community. 

 We provide a safe environment for all our pupils to flourish and forge happy, fulfilling, successful lives.  

School Aims

We aim to ensure that all the pupils achieve the best their individual abilities allow them too by:

- Building on success and celebrating achievements

-Having high expectations for all pupils

-Setting ambitious targets for all

-Having a range of accreditations on offer for all pupils -Having a clear process to monitor pupil progress

-All pupils are offered learning opportunities  by: 

All pupils become as independent as possible by learning to overcome their barriers by:

-Encouraging self awareness

-Teaching self regulation and self management skills

-Providing meaningful and relevant learning experiences in and within the community; including off site trips, work experience and residential experiences

-Ensuring appropriate resources and equipment are available for all; including communication aids, intervention resources and physical development aids

-Implementing Preparation for Adulthood for all pupils from EYFS onwards.  

All pupils are given the opportunity to develop their core character values, they are encouraged to express their own views and opinions by:

-Encouraging self awareness, self regulation and self management

-Respecting every individual’s right and choices

-Providing a wide range of opportunities to experience other cultures -Promoting self advocacy for all

 All pupils receive a specific student-centred curriculum which enables them to achieve their potential by:

-Encouraging lifelong, destination-led learning

-Encouraging pupils to take an active part in their own learning

-Building resilience, independence, cooperation, creativity, critical thinking and exploration skills

All pupils receive a high level of support to have their specialist needs met by:

-Regular reviews and updating the needs of all pupils through their Personal Provision Plans (PPP’s).

-Ensuring flexibility in teaching delivery to ensure learning is maximized and accessible for all.

Parents and carers are treated as equal partners throughout their child’s learning journey by:

-Collaborating with parents when setting targets and objectives for EHCP plans.

-Offering a wide range of opportunities for parents and carers to visit the school and work with their child.

-Ensure good quality information is available for parents regarding their children and that parents views and aspirations for their child are listened too.