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Chapel Green School


Admission Arrangements for the School

Pupils are admitted to school in line with the Local Authority's policy for the admission of pupils to special schools.

Contact details can be supplied through the Educational Department at County Hall, Norwich, telephone number is 0344 800 8020.

More information can be found at the following website www.norfolk.gov.uk/SEN

Criteria for admission at our school:

  • Child with special educational needs identified through an Education Health and
    Care Plan (EHCP) {under ‘Requests for a Particular School’, Sections 33 and 39 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and in line with the criteria set out in paragraphs 9.78 – 9.94 on pages 172-178}, evidence that child operates significantly below children of similar age in a mainstream/other setting, having a clearly identified learning disability
  • Child’s needs can be effectively and safely met at Chapel Green School
    The school must have the opportunity for a timely assessment through up to date, accurate paperwork, information about the child’s current attainment, meeting with the child and the family and seeing the child in their current setting
  • The school has a space in the appropriate age and learning/class group and can effectively and safely meet the needs of all children within this group if an additional pupil/s is added to the class
  • The child’s travel distance/time traveling to school does not exceed local authority guidelines and will not negatively affect the child.
  • Chapel Green School is the only complex needs school in South Norfolk; we prioritise pupils who live in our local area


  • Children with the highest medical and physical needs
  • Children with profound and/or severe learning difficulties, with significant speech and language impairment, whose needs cannot be met in the mainstream or other setting
  • Children with severe or significant cognitive learning needs
  • Children with the above criteria who are missing education
  • Admissions are prioritised in relation to identified vacancies, however admissions must be balanced primarily on pupil need against need to maintain stable curriculum provision; needs within each class group; and needs of pupils and specialised facilities demanded to meet needs.

Oversubscription Criteria

As the school is oversubscribed, the Headteacher operates a planning list and informs the local authority when a suitable vacancy for a child arises.  In this instance the Headteacher will give priority to children: 

  • who are, or have been, in care or looked after; 
  • who have  a sibling at the school;
  • who are not currently in education; 
  • who have degenerative or life limiting conditions; 
  • whose needs can be best matched at the time by the expertise in the school and for whom the correct class make up is available.