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Chapel Green School

Therapeutic Overview and Bespoke Curriculum


 Our curriculum supports pupils to  'develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to forge happy, fulfilling, successful lives now and for the future.'

A key element of this is to support our pupils to reduce the impact of their barriers to learning, in order to achieve this we employ approaches with evidenced positive outcomes for pupils. 

The therapeutic interventions offered to pupils at the school are frequently delivered in partnership with outside professionals, often following plans that are created together and include vital inputs from families. 

Whilst pupils in classes are predominantly from the same key stage, they are also grouped by the learning approach they respond best to, this ensures strategies used and the curriculum on offer suits the child. 

However every child is an individual and as such will require specific inputs to make best progress. In order to get this right, every child has a Personalised Provision Plan (PPP) that highlights some of the bespoke elements of a child's curriculum. 

Below are some of the therapies and approaches used to improve outcomes for pupils at the school. 

Therapeutic Play  Art Specialist Support Rebound Therapy Child mental health trained staff MOVE Program

 Dance Specialist Support

Emotional Literacy Support Attention Autism  Hydrotherapy TEACCH trained staff 
Norfolk Steps - All teaching and learning staff trained 


Specialist Support

Positive Behaviour Support 

Forest School

 Psychology Support 
AAC training for staff  Speech and language Therapy  Zones of Regulation Physiotherapy Horse Riding (RDA)  

   Please click blue links in boxes above to find out more... 


Resources for interventions are finite, both in the health sector and in Education. In order to ensure resources are most effectively used we operate a tiered triage type system, where support predominantly is at tier 1 within our small class groups.