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Chapel Green School

 My teachers are Claire, Michelle & Clare M.

Supporting the class is  Leah, Linda and Emma. 

Beech is a mixed ability-age class of Key Stage 2 and 3 pupils. Where appropriate pupils are taught in small groups throughout the week, depending on their interests, personal needs and learning styles. 

We have fun through play and practical activities. You will see us working hard in class and we like to visit the local community for swimming  and life skills when possible.  We use a total communication approach to support pupils, and social and emotional conversations are part of our daily diet. 

This term, our topic is On the Move where we focus on stories linked to the Britain as an Industrial Nation. We will look at stories such as The Railway Children and Mrs Armitage on Wheels. In the second half of term we will focus on Non-Fiction travel writing. Our maths focus in Addition & Subtraction, followed  by Position & Direction. In PSHE we look at Managing Feelings and in RE we learn about Buddhism. Please refer to our Class Newsletter for further information. 

Here is the class newsletter for Spring term 2025: 

beech newsletter spring term 2025.pdf


Look what we have been getting up to in class :