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Chapel Green School

Careers and Work-Related Learning

Challenge – Grow – Shine

Chapel Green School is a supportive, challenging and happy learning environment. ALL individuals are respected and encouraged to reach their full potential, enabling them as equal citizens to participate in and contribute to the local community. 

Careers and work-related learning are intrinsic parts in supporting our pupils to move into adult life with suitable skills, an appropriate level of independence, ethics and understanding.

Our careers programme is bespoke to our school, but we aim to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks as well as the extensive and varying needs of all of our pupils as an absolute minimum.

Careers Programme  

Enterprise Encounters  

Fusion Enterprise  


Ways we aim to support our pupils and parents/carers

  • Parents’ evenings where post-CGS providers, such as City College Norwich, the Hamlet Centre and Sense college, will be available.
  • Regular experiences and encounters with local employers and employees.
    •  We have organised Enterprise Encounters Days where students have the opportunity to engage in a range of work-related activities as demonstrated by employers and employees from our local area. 
    • Going forward, in line with our new curriculum, we will organise regular visits from employers and employees to showcase some of their work and allow our students to gain an understanding of their work.
    • Visitors from local workplaces are invited in to spend time discussing their roles with our pupils, where appropriate - from the very start of lower school to the end of upper school. 
  • Work experience placement in local businesses, where suitable, linked to pupils' vocational routes.
  • We offer all pupils and/or their parents/carers (as appropriate) a Futures Interview with a qualified careers adviser (Vicki) in secondary (Years 7-11) and at least another one during post-16 (Years 12-14). If you'd like to organise a Futures Meeting with Vicki, please send her an email to arrange a mutually convenient time.
  • Visits to post-CGS providers during their time in Upper School; for example, City College Norwich, the Hamlet Centre, Sense College, Easton College and the College of West Anglia.
  • Annual review meetings where transition and future provision can be discussed.
  • All pupils from Year 9 onwards will work with their class teams and parents/carers to create a Transition Plan to meet their wants, needs and ambitions in the future.
  • Allowing access to providers, such as colleges and day services, to the school. Our Provider Access policy is a key document intended to ensure we support our pupils to develop awareness of the widest choice of provision available.
  • Ongoing assessment of pupil progress against individual pupil objectives recorded on Earwig, and through bespoke outcomes for pupils detailed on individual teachers' curriculum plans. 
  • Providing students and parents/carers with up-to-date careers and labour market information (LMI).

You may be wondering what careers and labour market information is. If so, this video should help:

Careers Leader

Our Careers Leader is Vicki Jeffery, who can be contacted via email: vjeffery@chapelgreenschool.org.uk Alternatively, please contact the school office on 01953 453116.

Our Careers link governor is: Isla Butcher.

Website Careers information Review Date: February 25